August 2022 Newsletter

Special Delivery The post office and courier services sometimes don’t deliver the parcels. Not our Lord Jesus Christ. He came to set the prisoners free, and to bring light to those who sit in darkness out of the prison house, those who have been held in the prison house of fear, doubt and all forms of […]

July 2022 Newsletter

God’s Presence When we live with the abiding presence of God, we begin to manifest not just our personality or ourselves as a people, but truly our life is now in Christ and we begin to manifest His life from the inside out. God wants to flow through you to touch the lives of others. […]

June 2022 Newsletter

Keep Listening To GOD Hearing God’s voice is one of the most fundamental things that we need to learn when we give our hearts to Jesus and start walking with the Lord. I think sometimes it’s overlooked, and it almost feels the importance of it gets neglected Keep listening and learn to listen to God. […]

May 2022 Newsletter

GOD is ALL SUFFICIENT God is all sufficient, don’t limit Him to what you see in the physical. He is God of more than enough: spiritually, materially, physically, emotionally, and He is an all-sufficient God to deal with every situation that you are facing. Believe Him to fulfil His purpose in your life. Jesus came to […]

April 2022 Newsletter

Take Immediate Action ! There is a story in John 5:2-15, where Jesus met a disabled man who had no one to help him. Christ is the helper of the helpless. His one desire was to help, and so He healed the man who had an infirmity thirty-eight years and had waited for so long […]

March 2022 Newsletter

Living Without Sadness, Regret, Disappointments, & Anxiety In life, every one of us is going to experience sadness, regret, disappointment, and anxiety no matter who you are and where you live. These are reality of this broken world, but we know they never come from God and you have to get over the past if […]

February 2022 Newsletter

The ChristianLife Is Like An Athletic Program After salvation, God sets us on a race of life. This should be your goal, to walk in the good works that God has set for you. If you don’t walk in the good works that God prepared before the foundation of this earth, you will never be […]

January 2022 Newsletter

Three Resolutions For a Successful Lifestyle this Year The last two years delivered many unpleasant surprises to us in the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has been packed with plenty of nasty health, social and economic surprises. In the new year, a lot of us are focusing on what’s next, what’s this year going to mean […]

December 2021 Newsletter

LET’S GIVE THANKS God’s Plan Prevails God’s plans for us are good and not evil, but most people never even come close to living in God’s plans. So, what are God’s plans? God’s plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. God’s plans are to give us hope and a future. He wants to give […]

October 2021 Newsletter

We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you for signing to our monthly newsletter. It’s our prayer that the inspirational resources provided here will be a source of encouragement and a blessing to you. Life Begins in the Womb A message that seeks to awaken and intensify your joyful and grateful reverence for the […]