November 2023 Newsletter
Extraordinary Treasure. As believers, we have the presence of God, His Holy Spirit, living on the inside of us. This is what God has designed for every believer. But if we don’t know what we have been given, then obviously we cannot participate and cooperate with him in this new life that he has given […]
September 2023 Newsletter
Just believe God . and seek Him Is God first in your life? Seeking God first is a transformative practice that impacts one’s identity, purpose, decision-making, character, and relationships. By believing in God and seeking Him, you can experience a sense of spiritual connectedness that can bring deep joy, peace, and a sense of purpose. […]
July 2023 Newsletter
Submit to ~ God ~ Be encouraged to know that submitting to God can unlock a new level of anointing, discernment, wisdom, and power in your life. When we submit ourselves to God, we become infused with his strength, wisdom, and energy. And by surrendering our way, will, agenda, timeline, and emotions to God, He […]
June 2023 Newsletter
People think as they get older, they get sick, and things fall apart. There are a lot of people who don’t have any confidence because they see so many people fail, and they say all these happen when you are old. But God’s plan is to give you an expected end (Jeremiah 29:11). What we […]
April 2023 Newsletter
Baptism of the Holy Spirit At what point have I received the Holy Spirit. Is it when I first received Jesus or is there another time? You see, the Holy Spirit is involved in our salvation. We are born again by the Spirit of God. Jesus speaks about this in John chapter 3 that we […]
March 2023 Newsletter
Spread The Gospel Do you know your purpose on this earth? What are you living for? You need to seek the will of God for your life. It’s the will of God that we live in such a way that we influence the people around us by behaving as instruments for His ideas of the […]
February 2023 Newsletter
Believe God’s Word above what you see or hear The word of God must always stand above the word of man. God and His word are always true whether or not people believe Him. Applications of this truth can benefit us greatly. For example, the Bible’s narrative about the formation of the solar system, the […]
January 2023 Newsletter
Faith to step into new things Make a quality decision to step out into the new things God has for you. Never assume that where you’ve been or where you are is as good as it can get. When your goal or your situation seems impossible, keep in mind that nothing is impossible for God. […]
December 2022 Newsletter
The Effects Of Salvation Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection proves to us that he is the saviour that God promised and he is the path to salvation. Through Christ’s death on the cross, we are saved from eternal damnation and are given the gift of salvation. The greatest gift one can receive is the finest […]
November 2022 Newsletter
You have the Power to change situations God’s word creates energy to accomplish whatever it is set to achieve. Nothing can stop God’s word from accomplishing what it is set to do. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Your mouth is a flame […]
October 2022 Newsletter
We Have Every Reason To Rejoice Believers in Christ have every reason to rejoice. There are so many scriptures that talk about joy, and the benefits of joy. We are supposed to rejoice in the Lord always. I encourage you to start your day rejoicing. If the devil can steal your joy, he can steal […]
September 2022 Newsletter
Truth Is A Freedom Providing Power The truth that you know sets you free. Knowing the truth is for our protection from bondage and fear because truth provides freedom. Truth is the foundation of everything, and it’s so sad that most people don’t know the truth. So, what’s the truth that Jesus is talking about? […]