Daily Devotionals

Insightful, Biblical Devotions

“If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:14).

If you ask anything in my Name, I will do it. That’s what Jesus is telling you and me. I Jesus, ‘I’m telling you to ask and receive so your joy will be full. Anything is anything. Do you need anything? Ask Him. Are you in trouble? Call on the name of the Lord and He will deliver you.

The only way to release the supernatural power of God in your life, in your marriage, in your business, is to ask Him. Ask God for help! If your marriage is under attack, ask Him for help. If your children are being influenced and tormented by the enemy, ask God to change the situation. If your business is failing, ask Him to intervene. Are you fighting a deadly disease?  Rebuke it in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus is above every name.

Your life depends on prayer. Likewise, the life, power and glory of the church depends on prayer. Without prayer, the church or the individual is lifeless and powerless. The church building itself, is a holy and a sacred place. It’s not an ordinary structure, no matter it’s architectural beauty or the building materials used to construct it. It’s different from all other buildings. It’s set apart for God, for the purposes of praying. While we must be worshiping, praising, teaching, preaching, and healing, prayer is still a distinguishing feature of the church.  The church is where prayer is taught, and prayer is preached so that prayerless Christians become prayerful Christians. It’s where we magnify and worship the Lord. Prayer, praising, worshiping, preaching, teaching, and healing, all go together.

  • Thank you for reading our devotional on “Ask God For Help”.
Daily Devotional

- by Evangelist Paul Acquah

© Copyright Christ Is All ministries, 2015–2021
All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the author.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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