
Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser

Three Resolutions For A Successful Lifestyle This Year

The last two years delivered many unpleasant surprises to us in the pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic has been packed with plenty of nasty health, social and economic surprises. In the new year, a lot of us are focusing on what’s next, what’s this year going to mean to me. Am I going to start this new thing, or this other thing? And for others, the adventure of facing a new year offers a fresh start. Millions are committing to programs to change their lifestyle. All that is great, but I want you to infuse this in whatever you have planned, so why not have a “new you”?

  1. Seek the Kingdom of God first, and His righteousness.

The very first step to a successful life is to prioritise seeking God. Pursue Jesus above all things. All the things that we want in life will never compare to who God is and what He brings. Think of it as a New Year’s resolution, that’s my top recommendation. I just want to challenge you, having entered the new year, pursue God above anything and you will find life. The best way to pursue God is to commit to His word. 

There’s a link between our love for God and our love for His word. There’s a link between our growth in Christianity and our love for the word of God. There’s a link between successful lifestyle and our love for the word of God. It’s important to let the word dwell in you richly. To have a lifestyle of prosperity and good success, you must be committed to God’s word.

We need to start making decisions that honour and obey God. And to do that, we must renew our mind with the word of God. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom. 12:2). The very first step to honour and obey God is your way of thinking, your system of thinking, your thought process. Your way of thinking has to be the word of God. That is very important.

Do you read your Bible consistently? Do you hear what God has to say to you personally through scripture? Can you name any area of your life that God hasn’t spoken about? That He hasn’t given direction about? That He doesn’t have some laws to protect you from destroying your life? If every area of my life is included in the word, then every decision I make should be examined through the word and principles of God. That keeps us on track. That leads us to a successful lifestyle.

  1. Believe God’s word.

 In fact, following Christ starts with the ‘B’ word. What’s the ‘B’ word? It’s ‘believe’. It’s believing that God’s word is true. The word of God is unchanging and it’s a road map for successful living. He can let your life shine in this dark world. We serve a faithful God, and I want you to believe in this most high God and His word. Live boldly and courageously for Christ. If you don’t believe the accuracy of the word of God without exception, then you are a fertile ground for doubt and unbelief. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Doubt comes by hearing and believing anything contrary to the word of God.

Why is it hard for you to believe? It’s because you have accepted the words of people. The words of a lawyer, the words of a doctor, or the words of a banker. These words might be more real to you than what God says. We need to believe God’s word and the promises that He has given us. “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Cor. 1:20).

Three Resolutions For A Successful Lifestyle This Year

" You are not master of your life. You are not ruler of yourself. You are not controller of yourself. "

We need to stand on the word of God. How many people will believe the word of God and the promises of God? God’s word says ‘by his stripes we were healed,’ will you believe that or what the doctor says? When news come out that we are in a recession, everybody is going to lose everything, how many people believe the word which says ‘my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus?’

This is the reason why a lot of people don’t see the word of God work for them, because they may believe the word of God to a degree, but they also believe what the doctor said, what the lawyer said, what the banker said, what their friend said, and they just don’t put God’s word as final authority in their lives. You need to believe the word of God.

  1. Make Jesus the Lord and ruler of your life.

You are not master of your life. You are not ruler of yourself. You are not controller of yourself. Let me remind you of a common scripture I have referred to many times in my teachings. “Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps” (Jer. 10:23). 

If you read this verse of scripture in context, it will make a greater impression on you. Jeremiah was talking about the judgement of God coming upon the nation of Israel because they totally rejected God’s covenant. They had become idol worshipers, and he prophesied that they were going to be led into bondage, and when that had happened, the enemy would come in and rape the women, cut up the pregnant women and abort the babies, kill the people and there will be total devastation.

But then, Jeremiah said how can the people who were one time the apple of God’s eye, the people who were favoured more than any people on the face of the earth, how can they fall from being so favoured to being so despised and judged by the very God of that nation? He then answered his own question by saying: “Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps” (Jer. 10:23).

So, here’s his answer, he said the reason all this came to pass is because they just chose their own path. They did things by leaning on their own understanding. They forsook the covenant of God and all the instructions of God. The instructions were actually given to help them, and to give them a happy and beneficial lives.

They forsook all of that and they chose to do things their own way. This is a profound text of scripture, “Lord, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps” (Jer. 10:23). God didn’t intend for you to rule your own life. We are not smart enough to rule our own lives. Purpose in your heart to make Jesus the master of your life from this year and even forevermore. Amen!