
Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser

Signs And Wonders Shall Follow Believers

At the heart of the Christian faith lies a promise of the extraordinary, the miraculous, and the divine intersection with the natural world. This promise is encapsulated in the words of Jesus Christ himself, recorded in the Gospel of Mark: “Signs and wonders shall follow those who believe.” These words carry profound weight and significance, suggesting that for those who embrace the teachings of Christ and place their trust in Him, miraculous occurrences and divine interventions are anticipated to accompany them. Throughout the biblical narrative, we encounter numerous instances of such signs and wonders manifesting in the lives of men and women who put their trust in God.

But what does it truly mean for signs and wonders to follow those who believe? Does it imply a life of constant miracles and supernatural occurrences? Or is there a deeper, more profound truth embedded within these words, one that speaks to the transformative power of faith itself? I want to share on the limitless potential that lies within a heart fully surrendered to God. Be blessed as you read!

We are for signs and wonders, Jesus said in Mark 16:17, “17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” He had just talked about the great commission, going into all the world and proclaiming the gospel to the whole creation so whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Then he said, ‘These signs will accompany those who believe’.

He is talking about the gospel, the good news of what Jesus did. The good news of him taking our sin, our guilt, and giving us his righteousness.  He said they must go to all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Then he began to discuss how those who believe and are baptized will be saved with accompanying signs. So, who is a believer? And a believer in what? According to these verses, it’s believing in the gospel. That means believing in what Jesus did. Believing in the power of the cross and of his blood. And believing in the authority that he’s now given us. If you believe in the gospel, then go and proclaim the good news. It’s something that you know is true and believe, so what will you do?

You will lay your hands on the sick for healing and cast out demons. If you drink any deadly thing, it will not harm you, because you know that the power of the gospel is greater than anything. Jesus said these signs shall follow those who believe. In my name, they shall cast out devils. I could tell you stories about many occasions when I’ve cast out devils. Jesus is our model; he went about doing good (Acts 10:38). He has commanded us to do the same. He said you can cast out devils, speak in new tongues, take up serpents and if you drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt you; you will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

The Bible continues to say that they went forth and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them with signs following. So clearly, as you believe you can do these things. I have explained what you can do as you share the gospel. He said, “I will go with you, and I will confirm the word with signs following.” I have seen devils being cast out and people being healed many times in my preaching, teaching and healing conferences as well as my open-air crusades.

This is what’s so powerful. It’s not only talking about you; it’s talking about all who also believe. I used to read this and think that it was talking about me. That if I believe, these signs are going to follow me. In His name, I will cast out demons and speak with new tongues. I will take up serpents, and if I drink any deadly thing, it will by no means harm me. I will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. I was thinking that’s me; I believe and all these are part of my inheritance.

Signs And Wonders Shall Follow Believers

" You need to boldly step out and do the things God has called you to do. "

However, in context, how are people saved? They are saved by going out and preaching the Good News. So, if you’ve gone out and preached the good news, those who believed are saved, while those who didn’t believe are condemned. It says ‘and these signs will follow those who believe.’ So, even the people to whom you are ministering, are supposed to have signs and wonders following them because they chose to believe. That’s how we experience the supernatural and operate in the supernatural. This is wonderful because it means if I encounter someone who is hurting, lost, and broken, I not only want to share the truth of the gospel with them, but I also want them to experience the supernatural power of God. However, they can only experience this if they hear the gospel and choose to believe. God has already done his part.

You need to boldly step out and do the things God has called you to do. Be consistent, seek guidance from the Lord and be sensitive to the Spirit to know what to say and when to say it. That’s what you should be aiming for. Say to yourself, I’m going after them because they deserve to experience the supernatural in their lives. They deserve to know a supernatural God, so they can walk in divine healing and experience and operate in the supernatural power of God. Not only will they hear and believe, but they will also lay their hands on the sick, and the sick will recover. There wouldn’t be a need to call you; they would simply start laying hands on the sick and operating in the supernatural. They will go around and preach the gospel. Every born-again believer in Christ has the power to help those who are hurting. Unbelievers can receive Christ now and experience the supernatural power of God to reign in life.

I remember when I used to run a Bible club on campus. You see, I love working with young people, so I asked the Lord if there was a way to work with the youngsters on campus. It was amazing working with the young people because when I won students to the Lord, I didn’t have to worry about their friends, associates, or people in their area. I knew a lot about them, so when they started preaching the gospel, it was marvellous. Therefore, stop limiting what your impact can be. It’s not just about belief, but also about the abilities and the potential for signs and wonders that can follow. It was amazing because whenever we had a Bible club meeting, they invited their friends and brought them over to the meetings.

They said to their friends, we want you to meet this man of God and suddenly, I was ministering to a lot of these young people. However, it’s not just these students, it’s all the people that are connected to them. So, don’t underestimate the intersection that God has for you with people’s lives. An intercession and anointing happen within those divine connections because you are willing to let God use you.

Instead of complaining about your situation, your surroundings, and the people around you and getting frustrated or annoyed, you can change your attitude. You can just ask yourself, “What is the divine purpose and reason for my life in this world?” It’s all about our relationship with God, which then enables us to reach out to people more effectively. That’s why He said, “Abide in me, and I’ll abide in you” in John chapter 15:4, because apart from me, you can’t do anything; you can’t produce any fruit. It is only by abiding in him that we begin to bear fruit, and there is fruit that is meant to be produced in your life. The scripture says, Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.