
Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser

Life Begins In The Womb

Some countries have legalised abortion, and where abortion is banned, abortion support groups are saying it is a devastating and cruel law, so they are opposing the ban vigorously through the courts or any possible means.  That reminds me of what the Bible says about where life begins, and that’s exactly one of the main points I want to get across about abortion—it’s about where the journey of life begins.

God has a plan for humanity, and we need to protect that. The best place to start is in the mother’s womb where life’s journey begins. Our journey started in our mother’s womb; therefore, we should protect the lives of unborn babies. It’s so strange that protecting unborn babies is not what a lot of people are praying for or planning to do or desiring and not even a goal with most Christians. But that shouldn’t be the case. Let’s see what the word of God has to say about the unborn baby.

Every journey has a beginning. Our journey started in our mother’s womb. God had already predetermined what our future should be, when we had not yet come out of our mother’s womb. Let me start with Psalm 139:13-16.

“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them”.

This text of scripture is talking about the fact that God knew everything about us when we were still in our mother’s womb. He possessed us and made us in secret. We are His treasure, He possessed us before we came to know Him. All our members, every single part of our body, every detail, our hair colour, our eye colour, our characteristics, our personalities, our talents, our abilities were all established in our mother’s womb.  Our most hidden and vital parts were all formed by Him in the hidden place while we were in our mother’s womb.

This gives an answer to the popular question: “Is abortion permitted or not?”  And the answer is, not permitted. I know that anti-abortion is not a popular thing in our society today. It’s important to recognise that God’s kingdom operates on different systems from what this world’s system operates on.  It’s important leaders of the body of Christ say these things and to counter this culture. If the body of Christ doesn’t stand up and speak against abortion, then people by default would be influenced by the pro-abortion propaganda.

Our society today operates in a lot of pride, a lot of selfishness, a lot of arrogance, promoting abortion and doing things completely contrary to what the word of God teaches. The Bible says, you were possessed by God in your mother’s womb, your days were written down, including all the things that He wanted you to do while you were still in your mother’s womb. Not only are you God’s handiwork, but God has a special plan for your life that even covers all the number of your days.

We need to protect the future of unborn babies. Abortion for any Christian ought to be not an issue. This is so necessary for us today. Currently, the things of God are under the gun, especially in the western world and developed countries. There’s a tremendous surge of ungodliness. You are not going to hear godly things on the news. You are always going to hear about the bad side of everything. There are wonderful things happening today, God is doing awesome things, but you are not going to hear about it.

People growing up in this culture are being bombarded with internet and movies and magazines and the other things. The news media and the politics have been taken over by the ungodly and today, there’s a spirit of anti-christ in most developed nations. There’s a rejection of Christianity and Christian values. They are trying to make Christianity be within the four walls of the church, and if you have any public expression of your faith, they come against you furiously.

But the bible makes it clear that we are supposed to stand publicly and proclaim our faith in the Lord. Jesus said, 27 “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mat. 10:27-28 NIV). We are the light of the world, a city set on the hill cannot be hidden. Christ portrays us as salt and light and emphasises on our potential to change society. We need to stand up and protect unborn babies by speaking against abortion.

Life Begins In The Womb

" You are called out, set apart and separated for a special purpose and special use "

“You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord (Jer. 1:7-8 NIV). We must be bold and declare the word of God. We must tell them that, once you decide to take the life of an innocent child from the womb of a mother, you have committed murder. I’m preaching the word of God. The word of God says an unborn child is a living human being inside the mother’s womb, and it’s wrong to commit abortion.

God wants us all to share the gospel with unbelievers as well as believers about the healing power of God, about His plan, His forgiveness, authority, and love. Christians have an incredible opportunity to rescue mothers and babies from abortion. We can save lives through the word of God. God has given us His word and we must speak out.

Babies are people. When we are talking about abortion, it’s not just about the woman or the mother’s body.  A baby has its own tissue, heartbeat, blood type, it has its own individual DNA. An unborn baby is a separate human being.  Abortion is not a godly thing according to scripture. It’s outlawed in scripture.

Sometimes we shy away from our duty, but our light is to be seen. There is no place for private Christianity. The Christian is to be thrown into society where there will be persecution and rejection, but God has made us salt and light. When you are placed in that kind of environment, your presence makes a change.

The idea of keeping your Christian faith private is totally unscriptural. Do you know why unbelievers want us to keep our faith private? Because they are scared of our influence and our potential to change society once we arise and get on the move. They are frightened so they want to pass laws and restrict us and protect themselves from our influence as believers.

We need to speak out and tell the world that abortion is not a godly thing according to scripture.

The Christian life is not to be lived inside the church. Your life is to be lived in a society that is decaying, degenerating, full of darkness, evil, wickedness and sin. We are made for ministry, and we are agents of change.  We can change society’s mind about abortion through the word of God. “I have put my words in your mouth. 10 See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant” (Jer. 1: 9-10).

We are made to influence society which is in opposition to almighty God. As soon as you leave the doors of the church, your opportunity begins. It begins where you are rejected, disliked, and criticised. How much food can you season if you keep the salt in its container? Not any. The nations we live in are degenerating orally in every area. It’s not God’s fault. The main reason for this is that too many of God’s people have the misconception of who we are. What’s our nature? We are salt and light, and we are therefore, to effect change.

Our goals in life as believers are totally different from people in the world.  You must know that we are called out, set apart and separated for a special purpose and special use and that is for God’s use. We are His Personal representatives in the world. “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20). As much as God wants us to have intimate relationship with Him, the main reason why He wants us to live here is to glorify God. And to glorify Him means to show forth all His excellence. And I don’t think Christians who are not standing up for the gospel do much to glorify God.

This is the word of God.  Unborn babies are fearfully and wonderfully made and they must be protected. Christians must not vote for politicians who support abortion. If you do, you are assisting murder. That’s the way God looks at it. God loves you. I’m not saying that He doesn’t love you, but I’m saying what the bible says and anybody who is of a different opinion doesn’t value what the bible says.

What believers need to do is to lovingly speak the truth about abortion and to declare to those who have made this choice in the past that there’s forgiveness. We are to tell people who are about to make this choice that God wants us to choose life. We can also support pregnancy care centres so people have somewhere to go for hope and help and to know that there’s a blessing in protecting unborn babies.

One of the things you can do is to listen to the following audio messages from our Digging Deep series on this topic:

The Lord has laid on my heart to help start and support pregnancy centers in Africa, which will save the lives of babies over the coming years. We thank God! Prayerfully think about supporting this God given vision of CIAM.

Click here to give to CIAM

If we as believers don’t stand for what the Bible says about life in the womb, we are involuntarily empowering the unbelievers to establish policies that will affect us and future generations.