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Have Faith In God’s Word And Hold Onto It

Jan 13, 2022

Is God’s word important to you? We live in a world today where the Bible is unfortunately depicted as being outdated, fictional, having little value, and to some, completely irrelevant. The sad part is that, we as Christians are adapting to that same line of thinking without even realizing it. But the bible hasn’t lost its power or relevance. God’s Word is every bit as powerful today as it’s always been.

The fact is, the word of God has the power and ability to impact every area of our lives, but only if we allow it to. For most believers, we read the word, but God’s word doesn’t have any impact on our lives because we don’t mix the word with faith. In today’s message titled Have faith in God’s word and hold onto it,” Evangelist Paul Acquah shares on the importance of prioritising God’s word in our lives.

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All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.